Institutional Membership of IAPPS


The purpose of Institutional membership is to enhance collaboration between IAPPS and organizations and corporations that have the mutual goal of promoting global food security and reducing rural poverty through plant protection.

National, regional, and international organizations and agencies, including  (International Agriculture Research Centres (IARCs), governmental and non-governmental Organisations [NGOs) and private sector corporations and businesses involved in plant protection activities will be welcome to to apply. 

Institutional Member Benefits:

  • Entitlement to annually name a number of staff, partners, collaborators etc. as IAPPS Individual Members under an agreement determined in negotiation with the IAPPS Secretary General. The number of individual members would determine the negotiated Institutional Membership fee (i.e. the number of basic memberships having online access to the highly rated Elsevier published Crop Protection journal and the number receiving the online version plus the hard copy of the journal via the post).
  • A prominent link to the Institutional member’s web site will be provided  on the IAPPS web site.
  • One representative from each Institutional Member will be invited to participate at open sessions  of every IAPPS GB ordinary meeting held during each IPPC and at other times.
  • Participation in a global plant protection network that will provide greater visibility to the institution and to its professional staff.
  • Involvement  in regional networks for improved collaboration and integration of research, information dissemination, training and extension programs, with the goal of promoting global food security.
  • Enhance professional development opportunities for the Institutional member’s crop protection staff through interaction and collaboration with a broader segment of professionals, regionally and internationally.
  • Participate in and financially support regional and national IAPPS supported symposia at regional and national meetings to provide a global perspective and address pest problems that are of region-wide importance.
  • Improved opportunities for dialogue and to  interact with plant protection specialists on a global basis and thus enhance the image of the institution with the general public, government agencies, and with special interest groups.
  • Opportunities for displays at IAPPS-sponsored events such as the IPPCs and at IAPPS sponsored symposia at regional and national professional society meetings, congresses and conferences at discounted rates.

Institutional membership fee:

Subscription to Institutional membership of IAPPS is US$850/year

It includes up to 12 individual memberships (each with a subscription to the electronic version of Crop Protection) and two copies of the printed Journal.

For more information – please contact:

Prof. E. A. “Short” Heinrichs
Secretary General
International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences (IAPPS)

Phone: 402-890-7496
Email: [email protected]